速報APP / 教育 / First Nations for Tablets

First Nations for Tablets





版本需求:Android 3.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:3800 North Steves Blvd. Flagstaff, AZ 86004

First Nations for Tablets(圖1)-速報App

** Tablet Application **

This is the ultimate directory for First Nations Aboriginal Peoples of Canada!

Search 633 tribes!

First Nations for Tablets(圖2)-速報App

Search through 442 cities!

Search through 14 provinces/territories!

First Nations is an Android application that contains contact information on First Nations Aboriginal Peoples and Native Tribes of Canada. At a touch of a finger, you can easily find the address, phone number and website on any Aboriginal Peoples and Native Tribes of Canada. The application also has map capabilities, which can help you locate tribal headquarters, if you are interested in a road trip!

First Nations for Tablets(圖3)-速報App

Search the "First Nations" database of 633 Tribes within 442 Cities and 14 Provinces/Territories!

Data includes:

-Tribe Name

First Nations for Tablets(圖4)-速報App

-Tribe Address (Street, City, Province and Postal code)

-Phone Number

-Fax Number

First Nations for Tablets(圖5)-速報App


Data Statistics:

-633 tribes

First Nations for Tablets(圖6)-速報App

-442 cities

-14 provinces/territories

Searching Features:

First Nations for Tablets(圖7)-速報App

-By Tribe Name

-By Province

-By City

First Nations for Tablets(圖8)-速報App

The goal of "First Nations" is to provide important information on First Nations Aboriginal Peoples and Native Tribes of Canada. We continue to update our database to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.